Campers walk in and sit around a camp fire. It is midway through the day. Toast is sitting in his lawnchair trying to think of something to do with the campers in front of him. Toast is the camp crafts specialist. Don't ever confuse Camp Crafts with Arts and Crafts when Toast is around, it's for your own good. All of a sudden two CIT's(counselors in training) run up to Toast and begin whispering in his ear. Toast's face immediately brightens as the CIT finishes speaking into his ear.
Toast in his best Steve Irwin voice states, "Hello, mates" The children laugh at the funny accent. "Who wants to go on a Safari walk to see some of the most dangerous animals this side of camp."
The children cheer and yell "me me" as they raise their hands.
Toast with his ripped and stained staff shirt stands up stretches with his hands over his head and then scratches himself below the belt says, "All righty mates. Follow me."
With the children in tow behind him Toast begins to walk into the woods on a path just off of his camp site. As toast walks down the path he goes from one side of the path to the other jumping and rolling around and even low crawling through bushes. The children all giggle at his movements. Toast Stops and motions for the group to be quite. He has reached the site of the most dangerous animals. He peers through a bush and motions for everyone to slowly and quietly come up to the bush and pick their spot.
As the children move up to the bush one of them steps on a twig and a loud crack is heard. Toast moves to that child shushes him and says whispering to the child, "Croikee, we have to be very quiet there laddy," and then russles the childs hair. All the children peek through the bushes to see the craziest site they have ever seen.
On the other side of the bushes is a section of camp called the Slendors. The slendors are the fat campers. It is now feeding time. All the children can see is that the Fat campers are in a feeding frenzy. They are eating twinkies and swiss roles. the Slendors counselors are taring apart a full chicken. The scene is one that would compare to a pride of lions feasting on a pack of gazelles just taring their meals apart. With some, very little, but some food flying through the air with other campers snatching the flying peices right out of the air. It is one of the most grotesque sights any living human has ever seen.
Just then one of the campers with Toast steps on another twig. All of the slendors (Fat Campers) stop what they are doing and look around as if someone is going to take their food away from them. The female slendors camp counselor goes to bite the chicken leg in the male slendors camp counselors hand and the male camp counsleor bites her arm and snorts and snarls the female counselor backs off whimpering and the feeding frenzie begins again.
Toast and all the campers with him run away laughing and jumping up and down.
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