Sunday, November 23, 2008

A lesson learned

A funny thing happened today. I went to church and received the message. I think. I know it was just last week that I said that I was unsure of my status with the BIG GUY, but I think that I go the message. Now in church I think I catch A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. (totally not making fun of the disorders) because I can't pay attention for the life of me. Where as if you throw a movie in the DVD player and I am focused as focused can be. In church today it was more of the same, me not really focusing but what I did catch was amazing.

I will paraphrase the sermon (again I wasn't paying close attention). People are always looking for the next thing. What are they gonna do next, what are they gonna get next, what happens next. For example, when I look at my DVD collection I think what movie do I want to purchase next. What movie don't I have. When can I get my next movie. Now I think this was the part of the sermon that got me. People should focus on the things they already have and enjoy them. If new things come their way then fine and dandy. But don't covet the things that others have. I should look to enjoy the movies that I have and not focus on what I don't have. I still can enjoy the movies that I have.

So I am going to try and enjoy the things that I have instead of looking for the next big thing. If that next big thing happens to find me well then I will take it in stride and try not to lose sight of the things I had before that big thing came along. This is all I have to say not sure I made sense but this is what I got and it brought a smile to my face.

This just isn't a church thing this is an every day thing, it just happens that I got the message at church. My goal for church next week is to pay closer attention. Please help me lord.

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