Sunday, March 1, 2009

Older or Gayer? You be the Judge!

Now, I have to preface this entry. By no means am I being derogatory to the homo sexual community, but when you read this entry you will see what I mean. Plus this blog is supposed to be interesting and fun. I have no problems with people who enjoy same sex relations. Maybe the title should be Older or Girlier? I'm just too lazy to go back and change it now. So FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, now most of my followers (the few that I have) know that I had recently celebrated my 32nd birthday. Honestly birthdays don't bother me at all. I actually look forward to them. I'm definitely getting older but maybe I am getting a bit wiser also. Who knows. I like to think it's wiser. Well I got really down on myself this past weekend. I know Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Poor Me! I spent not both nights doing something that a younger me would have frowned upon back in the day.

I was reading and drinking beers. That's it the end nothing else. Pretty fucking boring right. Now this could be attributed to the fact that I am getting older but the question of me getting "Gayer" comes from the book that I was reading. It is very difficult for me to say this but I was reading "Twilight" Now I know what some people will say before they hear my defense. "You're definitely getting Gayer dude"

Now all along I have stated that the books have been written for 12 year old girls. But similar to the Harry Potter Book Series this series of books has millions of readers young and old alike. I am not apposed to reading something that is well liked by millions. Some of them have to be right.

Now what if I told you that I read the first installment of this series in 2 days and it was approximately 500 pages long. Now I love to read but that is unheard of for me. But it has been happening more and more lately. The book was kinda lovey dovey for lack of a better word. Here comes the spoiler. If you haven't read it and plan to you may want to skip a couple of paragraphs down. The book is about a girl who moves to a town where a coven of vampires lives. These vampires are special they live by feeding off of animals instead of humans. But the scent of human blood still attracts them and it is very difficult for them to resist attacking humans if blood is spilled. well this girl falls in love with one of the vampires and he falls in love with her also. But the constant inner battle that the male goes through just to love this girl is amazing and also the other dangers that go along with loving a vampire. There is a very tense moment near the end of the book that is action packed and dangerous for the girl. It is a very good balance of romance and action. That is my opinion any ways.

Yet does this make me older or gayer? You be the judge! My wife says that I am a 12 year old girl in a 32 yearold mans body. I feel sorry for that 12 year old girl to have to put up with a body like I have. But anyways you make the judgement.


Anonymous said...

Ben, Older or Gayer. Hmmm. Everyone who's older and in a committed relationship, a.k.a. ~ past the lusty honymoon stage, gets to experience those intense feelings all over again in this book. I'm 47 and the book took me by surprise too. It's a high school romance, with the intensity and excitment we all felt as teens in love for the first time. Who doesn't like to be reminded of that!? Gayer.. NO, I vote OLDER!

Anonymous said...

Honey I have not read the book yet, but I definately vote for you being older not gay. I just think your a family man now and going out to party isn't your top staying home reading and drinking some beers just sounds relaxing and mature to me. You have made me wnat to read the book though consisering how fast you read it and couldn't put it down..but don't think i'm reading it in two

Anonymous said...

Ben never found you to be gay or gayer (not that there is anything wrong with that)....but 32 WOW you are getting up there sweetie !!! I vote for older !!!