I am going to talk about a subject near and dear to my heart...but most of my readers( i think i'm up to 4)...won't like the topic. Ah screw it...this blog is for me to express myself. Plus open minded people should read about things they don't like. They might learn to like it if they understood more about those things.
Well, yes this blog is about the Yankees. Now people always ask me how can you like the Yankees? Or You like the Yankees where are you from again? Other people see me in my Yankees garb and they are rude to me. Oh well to these people I usually just smile and walk away. I will attempt to explain myself on this subject and tell some stories about peoples reactions to me being a fan of the Yankees. The funny thing is I don't give people crap for being
Red Sox fans but usually they(Red Sox fans) find it necessary to give me crap.
To those of you who want to know. There are many reasons for me being a yankees fan and they happened to me through out my life. Here they are you can believe them if you want or not I don't care:
* My mother told me when I was little she bought me baseball cards and I would only play with
the yankees cards.
* Growing up I had a step dad who was a Red Sox Fan and a NY Giants fan...I rebelled and
became a Yankees and Pats fan.
* When I was a kid I liked sports but I only liked watching Basketball...(Bulls Fan too sorry
gotta love Jordan)...I bought a Yankees Hat because I liked the Hat and a Red Sox hat because
I liked the B on it B for Ben. I think people started giving me crap when I wore the Yankees
hat I think I liked the attention back then. The Yankees hat was worn more frequently.
* In the eighties Don Mattingly was cool... and I liked him even though I didn't watch baseball.
* When I got out of high school...I started to watch baseball more...and found a friend who was a
Yankees fan too...we watched the Yankees win the World Series in 1996 and I was hooked.
* I was born in a Year that Elvis died and the Yankees won the world series with Mr. October.
* The history of the team...it's the most known Sports franchise around the world
* The Asian kid in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom wore a Yankees Hat in the movie.
* The Yankees are the bad guys in most baseball movies....ok well some of them anyways.
* Babe Ruth, Lou Gherig, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, Roger Marris, Thurman Munson....so
many great players....
Now, here is how some people gave me crap:
* Constant comments from people at work...(at many different jobs)...how can you be a Yankees
fan? They can't buy a championship this year? etc etc etc.
* Walking into a Sunglasses Store(the kind where you spend like 200+ dollars on a single pair)
the clerk says to me "We don't serve Yankees fans in here!" "Nah, I'm just kidding" I walked
out that guy just lost out cause I was prepared to spend money big money on some sunglasses.
* Sitting outside of a restaurant eating my breakfast. When some guy walks out and says,
"What's up second place Yankees fan?" I said, "Do I know you?" The guy drove off. Why
would he talk to me like that unless he knew me. He didn't...He drove away.
* I was invited to a buddies Graduation Party a while back when I got there...I noticed that a lot
of the guys at the party staring me down...they wouldn't even talk to me...all they did was talk
behind my back and give me and my soon to be wife at the time dirty looks all because I was
wearing a Yankees hat.
* I have had kids at work say that they would shout someone wearing a Yankees hat in their
neighborhood. That's just fucked up.
* There are many other instances that I can't think of...I mean it is a regular occurrence
Now, the thing is Now I am an avid baseball fan. I follow through out the hole year. Most people get sick of it cause it's such a long season...not me. I love the Pats but I don't follow them like I do the Yankees. I mean I love baseball so much that because I live in Red Sox Nation I watch Red Sox Games even when they aren't playing the yankees. It's baseball....It's Americas Past time. It's awesome. I find myself even watching games on the MLB network.
Well now I want to address some things about this years Yankees team. Now Yes the yankees almost half a billion dollars on 3 players. Yes they still have the highest salary total in the majors. But If you look at the numbers you will see that the team is still under what they spent last year. I think the team is going in the right direction I also think that they will make a run for it. But that's just me hoping.
Arod. Nobody likes him. Not our fans not anyone Else's fans. He used steroids. He lied. He is probably still telling lies. The thing is I hear radio shows say how they are tired of the A-Rod business. Yet they keep bringing it up. Of course they do they know what sells and what makes people tune in. People love to hear about STAR and how they are falling or not falling. A-Rod even without steroids was a freak. He is the most talented player in baseball. He used steroids...so far we know it was in the past. Get over it. Hopefully He's not doing it now. The yankees are stuck with him for a long time...we know he can be an asshole but he's here for a while.
Jeter...all teams in the MLB would kill to have Jeter on their team. Even the ;Red Sox. The fans would love him...I know many who said they wouldn't but they are fucking liars. He is a clutch guy and always has been.
The two new pitchers CC and AJ truthfully I didn't want either one. I wanted the Yankees to trade for Peavy and to sign Derek Lowe but who am I. I will support those two this year and the years to come. Their on my team now even if CC leaves in three years.
Mark Teixiera...I did want him on my team so glad to have him. I think he will be a great addition to the team. Hopefully A-Rod will get to play with him.
Joba Starter or Relief? I say relief but who knows. No one ever knows. Just imagine once the Sandman is retired Joba could take his spot and take us into the next decade with a dominant closer. Plus with our other pitching prospects coming up we would be set in the back end of games. But again I support what my team decides for now.
Phil Hughes has potential but needs to grow some fucking balls. You can do it you have the stuff.
Andy Pettite...I think the novelty of having you back has worn off...but I know you can give us at least one more decent year...just stay fucking healthy would ya.
Damon...ya ya we stole him from the Red Sox...Blah blah blah...MLB is a business and the players are Businessmen. Damon did what he had to do. the red sox should have paid him what he's worth.
Well....I'm tired I could go on for days...I love baseball and I actually like a few players that the
Red Sox have...I would love for them to be on my Team....Pedroia....Elsbury....Bay. But the fans...I have one favor...Lets talk baseball and not trash talk You guys have one more recently...I'm glad. We one in the past...I am glad for that too. But...right now everything is in the past... this season can't we just talk baseball that's all I want. And when we play each other let's watch together so we can have some fun ok.
Last comment my worst yankees moment ever: watching the Yankee pitcher...I forget who it was give up 4 homers back to back to back to back. I almost contemplated suicide...Just kidding. That fucking sucked.
1 comment:
For you Ben:
John Cheese
They were the first minority in Manhattan. They were disliked and distrusted. They were objects of unflattering humor. They were called all sorts of names, one so insulting they adopted it into their own native language.
They were the Holland Dutch.
The Dutch were there first, you know. It was Dutchman Peter Minuit who purchased Manhattan from the Indians in 1626. The settlement was called New Amsterdam and would become the seat of government for the colony of New Netherland.
The Dutch West India Company paid little attention to the settlers at first. For three years New Amsterdam attracted a rough bunch –privateers, smugglers, and so on.
The first organized social system in the colony was a kind of feudalism. Huge estates with dozens of tenant families on each. The early governors and councils ruled without popular assemblies and were renowned for their harshness.
Meanwhile, the British were growing perturbed over the presence of New Netherland, an obtrusive interruption in the sequence of their coastal possessions. In 1664 a small English naval force went and captured the Dutch colony. The Dutch surrendered without firing a shot.
Seven thousand of them decided to accept British rule in order to keep their homes. For a while Anglo-Dutch relations were not bad. Yet as the hostilities developed between the respective motherlands, the English inhabitants of the colony now known as New York grew increasingly unfriendly toward the Dutch minority.
First privately, ultimately publicly, the British New Yorkers began making fun. Anything negative was automatically characterized as being “Dutch.”
Many related phrases remain a part of our vernacular:
Dutch Uncle is a stern, hypercritical person
Dutch Treat is no treat at all
Getting into Dutch is getting into trouble
Dutch Widow is an immoral woman
Dutch Nightingale is a frog
Taking the Dutch Route is committing suicide
Dutch Defense is surrender
Dutch Praise is condemnation
Dutch Courage is extracted from a bottle
Dutch Medley is everyone singing a different tune at once
Dutchman's Headache is a hangover
Dutch Gold was the phony stuff
And the list goes on.
But there was one epithet to which the Dutch themselves particularly objected. You know how ethnic slurs often reflect the foods with which a minority may be identified? Well, the Dutch were supposedly characteristically fond of cheese. So the English began referring to Dutchman as “John Cheese.” That upset the Dutchman so much that they eventually turned the nasty nickname around, actually calling the Englishmen “John Cheese.”
In the language of the Netherlands, naturally.
It was that epithet which made the most indelible impression of all.
In time the world would forget that a hangover was a ”Dutchman’s headache,” and that “Dutch Gold” meant the phony stuff.
What we remember is the unflattering term “John Cheese,” a label the Dutch ultimately laid on us.
The way they said it was Jan Kees.
You Know.
Now you know the rest of the story.
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