You know something? I think I have a bad case of chronic writer's block. Even though I'm not technically a writer, can I have writer's block. I mean look I'm sitting here writing about my problems on this blog. I have run out of things to write about on this blog. I have even run out of ideas of what to post on my status updates for facebook and twitter. Ha all this social media crap.
I may go long periods of time without updating my statuses or writing in this blog but I think it is because I want what I write to have meaning and substance, kinda like an All the Way New York System Hot Dog or Coney Island dog. What ever! I am only writing about this because a blog is like a journal. Well for me it is anyways. So I'm gonna write about my problems here because I hate it when people post their problems on facebook.
I mean I see a lot of posts about peoples shitty day at work or their messed up medical problems. Who wants to read about that stuff. Post good stuff. Post interesting stuff. I don't really wanna read that your son threw up on you and your daughter pissed on the sofa. Well maybe that's funny for me to read but I hope you get my drift. I just don't want to read that you went to the doctors and your taking 9 billion perscription meds and they still don't know what the fuck is wrong with you. And please don't post that you have laundry to do and dishes. Let me know what your feeling or post something funny that happened to you or let me know about the good things in your life. Don't drag me down with your shit because my life sucks already because I'm on line looking for positive stuff that might be happening to other people.
My life doesn't really suck, but I want to hear or read about the good stuff. Now I know I have been eluded to crappy stuff about my life on these social media sites but I don't get into specifics and I only put it out there to see what peoples opinions are. I would never get into specifics about a situation on facebook or twitter.
As I write this I wonder if it is a cry for help from some people? Is it a way for them to get out there frustrations without having to interact with people face to face? Is it so they can get peoples opinions without actually having to deal with the people? I'm not sure. I think I'm kinda rambling on about this but as I quote Peter Griffen, "it really grinds my gears!"
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