Can anyone tell me where we went wrong? I mean as people. We are weaker now, we are lazier now, and people are always looking for the easy way out. Now, I am including myself in these statements that I am making now. I would love to take the easy way out. I am lazy. I don't think I'm weak but I'm sure I'm not as tough as generations before me. But...this isn't about. I just have these questions.
Just in asking myself these questions I have a I'm not standing 100% behind this theory I am just thinking out loud....or thinking through this blog. I think that we may becoming weaker as a people because we have access to more things than previous generations and because we are more tolerant of others...because we are not willing to make decisions that need to be made. We won't even kill people who have killed other people. Our prisons are over crowding, there are prisoners who have more College education than I do. I may be getting off the subject but if we can't kill a rapist murderer than we deserve what we get.
This whole train of thought was started by me noticing that a fellow co-worker, a subordinate is having problems with the work that is being given to him. He is asked to complete different tasks each day but the tasks come from a pool of 7 or 8 duties which need to be completed daily at our place of business.
I need to give you back ground information. I am a Shift Supervisor where I work but I have been where this gentleman is now. He is one of the low men on the totem pole. I was there. I was given the same duties that he is given. There is one duty that we do called Logbook and phones. The log book is basically the daily account of what happens at our place of business. Phones is monitoring resident phone calls to there parents or relatives. This is the most time consuming dutie there is. Now most supervisors won't even touch this duty, I lead by example I take the duty at least once every two weeks and sometimes once a week. I am not afraid to get down and do the things that I ask my supbordinates to do.
Yet this one person, who shall remain nameless complains about the duty in question everytime he has it and if he isn't complaining he becomes a miserable prick to his fellow staff members and to the residents. He has been doing the job for over a year maybe close to 2 years and he is still not comfortable with this duty. He also becomes insupbordinate. My recent interaction with this man is as follows; I came back to work after my weekend and I gave out the duties as it follows on our duty schedule. This guy says to me I did the log on Friday I shouldn't have to do the log on Sunday too. I argued with this man for about a half hour when in my place of business the staff do not argue with the supervisors but I am willing to listen. I got so frustrated with the conversation and the fact that I was coming from Easter dinner and before that I had worked the over night the night before. I literally had only about 3 hours of sleep. So when I got fed up I did this persons duties for the night and I let him have the day off.
Now, I have to tell you why I walk a little tenderly around this man. I have had issues in the past with this person. This person happens to be black. In no way shape or form am I or have I been a racist but when I argue with this person I feel that he is like second away from playing the race card against me. I have a good relationship with most everyone else on the shift that is at his same level. The thing is they all do what is asked of them when it is asked of them. Even if they don't like it. That is how my place of business works. That's what I do when I am asked to do something and that's how it should be.
My whole issue with this man is why is he such a baby about doing his job. Why can't he do it and not question it. It's how it's been and how it's going to be. Frankly because of him the job has changed because of him. The person doing log and phones used to have to do Safety rounds and do a lot more. But because he can't handle it or it is too tough for him we had to change it. Not my doing believe me. This man is approximately 8yrs older than me and I can't believe how lazy he is. Maybe he isn't lazy maybe it is difficult for him and he can't handle it all at once. But if that is the case then maybe he shouldn't be in this line of work. Everyone else can handle it why can't he. I don't know. But he makes his generation look bad. He might even be in my generation and that pisses me off.
We get weeker as time passes on. In this country we used to be patriots we believed in the system. We backed each other up. There used to be a lot of wrong going on but we fixed that wrong for the most part. But as we have have fixed these wrong things our country has gone soft. We feel we get over worked. Honestly the jobs at my place of business are 90% easy as pie and 10% you actually have to work. I mean seriously right now writing this blog I am at work. What's that say about me....I'm just looking for something to pass the time. I am pissed and I want this country to get back to being strong. Like know one will fuck with us and we can handle anything thrown at us.
As I write this I am feeling very very conservative and I feel that even though I didn't agree with G.W. Bush he handled business and didn't give a fuck what others thought of us. I see us getting weaker and weaker under this new administration. President Obama is our leader and I support him but as he goes I feel we are getting weak. I wait and hope he proves me wrong. I appologize to anyone reading this blog I don't mean to offend it's just how I feel. I heard a story about our president where he bowwed to another country's leader. I don't think our president should bow to anyone. It is definitely a sign of weekness. I hope that what I heard is not true.
Since I began voting not one of my candidates have come into office. I haven't been happy with our administration since Clinton was in office. I wish Hillary was in the office now. Our country needs to be strong. We as a people need to be strong. We need to do the jobs that we are being paid to do. As is write this I say maybe I shouldn't be writing but my duties are done and are being done. I can multi task unlike the man above. I am strong.
I may have got off base and I may be rambling on about nothing. I hope I make sense and I in no way intend to offend.
1 comment:
I think if we kill people that kill other people, we're just as bad as them, and have lowered ourselves to their level.
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