Friday, March 20, 2009


What the fuck is wrong with me? I just have to laugh. In a previous entry I posed the question, "Older or Gayer?" Now from all of the 3 people who read this rag of a blog, I received comments like your definitely not Gayer. I am guessing that for one to be gayer one would have to be gay in the first place. Which thankfully I am definitely not! "Not that there's anything wrong with that," as the Seinfeld characters have said. Yet, I have to regret to inform you that there is definitely something wrong with me.

First things first: I started this blog. It's kind of a journal. Now I may be stereotyping a bit but in my experience journals are mainly for girls. I know their are exceptions and this isn't your typical journal but...I digress. Secondly, that previous entry was written because I found myself enjoying the Stephanie Meyers books Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. Which are primarily enjoyed by you guessed it girls. Primarily 12-16 yr old girls. Thirdly, I have found myself getting more emotional while watching TV shows and movies which men do not do. Who does this? You guessed it females.

Now what brought this on was the fact that my wife got me interested into a TV Show called Grey's Anatomy. Those of you who read this may have seen the show or at least know about it. I am so hooked on this show I have also become hooked on it's spin off called Private Practice. I found myself feeling for these fictional characters on the television and as some, not a lot, but some tears came from my tear ducts, I asked myself what the fuck is wrong with you Ben? Well, I am not sure.

Now what's really funny is that I have been talking about the book series with some of the women at work and I found myself getting excited to read the next book which is due to come out in the near future and debating about whether or not to buy the movie twilight or just rent it. What is wrong with me? Now, there is a good side to this. A guy at work started to read the series as well. He took the book home and has finished the first book as well as his father. I think they are hooked also and he said it was a good book. This guy was in the military and it makes me feel better to know that their are men out there like me, who like these books.

Now as far as the tv shows. I haven't found men who like it and frankly I don't really talk about them with any of my friends. I literally feel a bit embarrassed to say I like them. But as I said, They get to me, they make me feel for the characters even the ones that are bit one week characters. Now, like I said my wife got me hooked and sorry honey but I started watching because I think that most of the women on the show are beautiful in their own way....except for Meredith Grey...she is just not appealing to me in any way. But now I am vested in all of the doctor's lives. I guess that's why those tv writers are making all the freaking money and I'm writing this silly blog for nothing. Well maybe it's for my own piece of mind.

I'm glad I have March madness write now to keep my male emotions going high. Watching basketball is a manly thing to do. I also can't wait for baseball to be in full swing. Excuse me for a second.... I think my ADD is kicking in....why the fuck is A-Rod kissing himself in the mirror....Oh well back to me. All this bitching has been fun but I have come up with a theory for my sudden burst of sensitivity...and no my sexual preference has not changed. I believe that I have always been more sensitive in then most men. I have always been one to help out people with their feelings or issues that they may have with either some words of encouragement or otherwise but my theory is this, I think it this sudden burst of sensitivity, the crying at the drop of a scalpel on Grey's Anatomy or some other crazy thing, is all due to my wonderful son being born.

When I was in the delivery room I wasn't sure if I wanted to actually see my son being born. But the nurse had me hold my wife's leg during the process and I couldn't look away. I mean some parts were scarring to me and my wife but to watch my strong beautiful wife give birth the way that she wanted and to have my son come out was a emotionally traumatic experience. But I mean that in a good way. Let me explain, those of you who know me knew I really was thinking that I wanted a girl. But once that little boy came out I was overwhelmed. He was exactly what I always wanted deep down in my heart. I saw him and I cried. Yet they were tears of joy the only day close to me being that happy was getting married. But even that doesn't compare to seeing a life be created by me and my wife that was a part of the second happiest day of my life. I'm not sure if that last sentence made sense. I hope you get it. If there was a way to ramble through writing I think that's what I am doing now.

The short of it: Two happiest days of my life were: in 2nd place: Getting married. and in 1st place: Having created my son with my wife.

Since that day, when Cody was born has been my emotional downfall as far as man feelings go. Would I change any of it? NOT A FUCKING CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So when I say What the Fuck is Wrong with Me? The answer is not a Fucking thing Asshole.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Baseball Talk, "Why the Yankees?" "Why not?"

I am going to talk about a subject near and dear to my heart...but most of my readers( i think i'm up to 4)...won't like the topic. Ah screw it...this blog is for me to express myself. Plus open minded people should read about things they don't like. They might learn to like it if they understood more about those things.

Well, yes this blog is about the Yankees. Now people always ask me how can you like the Yankees? Or You like the Yankees where are you from again? Other people see me in my Yankees garb and they are rude to me. Oh well to these people I usually just smile and walk away. I will attempt to explain myself on this subject and tell some stories about peoples reactions to me being a fan of the Yankees. The funny thing is I don't give people crap for being
Red Sox fans but usually they(Red Sox fans) find it necessary to give me crap.

To those of you who want to know. There are many reasons for me being a yankees fan and they happened to me through out my life. Here they are you can believe them if you want or not I don't care:

* My mother told me when I was little she bought me baseball cards and I would only play with
the yankees cards.
* Growing up I had a step dad who was a Red Sox Fan and a NY Giants fan...I rebelled and
became a Yankees and Pats fan.
* When I was a kid I liked sports but I only liked watching Basketball...(Bulls Fan too sorry
gotta love Jordan)...I bought a Yankees Hat because I liked the Hat and a Red Sox hat because
I liked the B on it B for Ben. I think people started giving me crap when I wore the Yankees
hat I think I liked the attention back then. The Yankees hat was worn more frequently.
* In the eighties Don Mattingly was cool... and I liked him even though I didn't watch baseball.
* When I got out of high school...I started to watch baseball more...and found a friend who was a
Yankees fan too...we watched the Yankees win the World Series in 1996 and I was hooked.
* I was born in a Year that Elvis died and the Yankees won the world series with Mr. October.
* The history of the's the most known Sports franchise around the world
* The Asian kid in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom wore a Yankees Hat in the movie.
* The Yankees are the bad guys in most baseball movies....ok well some of them anyways.
* Babe Ruth, Lou Gherig, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, Roger Marris, Thurman
many great players....

Now, here is how some people gave me crap:

* Constant comments from people at work...(at many different jobs) can you be a Yankees
fan? They can't buy a championship this year? etc etc etc.
* Walking into a Sunglasses Store(the kind where you spend like 200+ dollars on a single pair)
the clerk says to me "We don't serve Yankees fans in here!" "Nah, I'm just kidding" I walked
out that guy just lost out cause I was prepared to spend money big money on some sunglasses.
* Sitting outside of a restaurant eating my breakfast. When some guy walks out and says,
"What's up second place Yankees fan?" I said, "Do I know you?" The guy drove off. Why
would he talk to me like that unless he knew me. He didn't...He drove away.
* I was invited to a buddies Graduation Party a while back when I got there...I noticed that a lot
of the guys at the party staring me down...they wouldn't even talk to me...all they did was talk
behind my back and give me and my soon to be wife at the time dirty looks all because I was
wearing a Yankees hat.
* I have had kids at work say that they would shout someone wearing a Yankees hat in their
neighborhood. That's just fucked up.
* There are many other instances that I can't think of...I mean it is a regular occurrence

Now, the thing is Now I am an avid baseball fan. I follow through out the hole year. Most people get sick of it cause it's such a long season...not me. I love the Pats but I don't follow them like I do the Yankees. I mean I love baseball so much that because I live in Red Sox Nation I watch Red Sox Games even when they aren't playing the yankees. It's baseball....It's Americas Past time. It's awesome. I find myself even watching games on the MLB network.

Well now I want to address some things about this years Yankees team. Now Yes the yankees almost half a billion dollars on 3 players. Yes they still have the highest salary total in the majors. But If you look at the numbers you will see that the team is still under what they spent last year. I think the team is going in the right direction I also think that they will make a run for it. But that's just me hoping.

Arod. Nobody likes him. Not our fans not anyone Else's fans. He used steroids. He lied. He is probably still telling lies. The thing is I hear radio shows say how they are tired of the A-Rod business. Yet they keep bringing it up. Of course they do they know what sells and what makes people tune in. People love to hear about STAR and how they are falling or not falling. A-Rod even without steroids was a freak. He is the most talented player in baseball. He used far we know it was in the past. Get over it. Hopefully He's not doing it now. The yankees are stuck with him for a long time...we know he can be an asshole but he's here for a while.

Jeter...all teams in the MLB would kill to have Jeter on their team. Even the ;Red Sox. The fans would love him...I know many who said they wouldn't but they are fucking liars. He is a clutch guy and always has been.

The two new pitchers CC and AJ truthfully I didn't want either one. I wanted the Yankees to trade for Peavy and to sign Derek Lowe but who am I. I will support those two this year and the years to come. Their on my team now even if CC leaves in three years.

Mark Teixiera...I did want him on my team so glad to have him. I think he will be a great addition to the team. Hopefully A-Rod will get to play with him.

Joba Starter or Relief? I say relief but who knows. No one ever knows. Just imagine once the Sandman is retired Joba could take his spot and take us into the next decade with a dominant closer. Plus with our other pitching prospects coming up we would be set in the back end of games. But again I support what my team decides for now.

Phil Hughes has potential but needs to grow some fucking balls. You can do it you have the stuff.

Andy Pettite...I think the novelty of having you back has worn off...but I know you can give us at least one more decent year...just stay fucking healthy would ya.

Damon...ya ya we stole him from the Red Sox...Blah blah blah...MLB is a business and the players are Businessmen. Damon did what he had to do. the red sox should have paid him what he's worth.

Well....I'm tired I could go on for days...I love baseball and I actually like a few players that the
Red Sox have...I would love for them to be on my Team....Pedroia....Elsbury....Bay. But the fans...I have one favor...Lets talk baseball and not trash talk You guys have one more recently...I'm glad. We one in the past...I am glad for that too. But...right now everything is in the past... this season can't we just talk baseball that's all I want. And when we play each other let's watch together so we can have some fun ok.

Last comment my worst yankees moment ever: watching the Yankee pitcher...I forget who it was give up 4 homers back to back to back to back. I almost contemplated suicide...Just kidding. That fucking sucked.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Older or Gayer? You be the Judge!

Now, I have to preface this entry. By no means am I being derogatory to the homo sexual community, but when you read this entry you will see what I mean. Plus this blog is supposed to be interesting and fun. I have no problems with people who enjoy same sex relations. Maybe the title should be Older or Girlier? I'm just too lazy to go back and change it now. So FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, now most of my followers (the few that I have) know that I had recently celebrated my 32nd birthday. Honestly birthdays don't bother me at all. I actually look forward to them. I'm definitely getting older but maybe I am getting a bit wiser also. Who knows. I like to think it's wiser. Well I got really down on myself this past weekend. I know Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Poor Me! I spent not both nights doing something that a younger me would have frowned upon back in the day.

I was reading and drinking beers. That's it the end nothing else. Pretty fucking boring right. Now this could be attributed to the fact that I am getting older but the question of me getting "Gayer" comes from the book that I was reading. It is very difficult for me to say this but I was reading "Twilight" Now I know what some people will say before they hear my defense. "You're definitely getting Gayer dude"

Now all along I have stated that the books have been written for 12 year old girls. But similar to the Harry Potter Book Series this series of books has millions of readers young and old alike. I am not apposed to reading something that is well liked by millions. Some of them have to be right.

Now what if I told you that I read the first installment of this series in 2 days and it was approximately 500 pages long. Now I love to read but that is unheard of for me. But it has been happening more and more lately. The book was kinda lovey dovey for lack of a better word. Here comes the spoiler. If you haven't read it and plan to you may want to skip a couple of paragraphs down. The book is about a girl who moves to a town where a coven of vampires lives. These vampires are special they live by feeding off of animals instead of humans. But the scent of human blood still attracts them and it is very difficult for them to resist attacking humans if blood is spilled. well this girl falls in love with one of the vampires and he falls in love with her also. But the constant inner battle that the male goes through just to love this girl is amazing and also the other dangers that go along with loving a vampire. There is a very tense moment near the end of the book that is action packed and dangerous for the girl. It is a very good balance of romance and action. That is my opinion any ways.

Yet does this make me older or gayer? You be the judge! My wife says that I am a 12 year old girl in a 32 yearold mans body. I feel sorry for that 12 year old girl to have to put up with a body like I have. But anyways you make the judgement.